No more macro shots for a while ... I promise !
This is seriously turning more and more into a photoblog, which I don't mind. However, I know the current macro craze I'm in is probably getting tiresome.
So, this is the last macro post for a while. I'll turn to posting these photos in forums instead for some comments and critiques, which I appreciate from my small readership ! (Pelf & Angel -> note there's not going to be any inferences to imaginary readers as well !)
As usual, the haunt is my humble garden, and the ocassion - simply a beautiful morning.
The Tamron 90mm is turning into a really great investment !
Now, the next thing I'll need is probably an external speedlight ... perhaps the SB 600 ?
Or maybe I need some closeup filters instead ?
Hou leng!
But but I still wanna see macro or micro shots worrrrrrrrrrr...
Yerrrr... post the pics here also lar... share2 mar.. :(
Waaaaaa! I like the lotus photo, and the bee photo :D Amazing stuff! Bee kissing a flower, hahaha, with pollen sacs on its legs too. Makes it look like it's wearing bell bottoms!
Ei, I love that cactus shot! So artsy-fartsy, hahahaha..
And yes, you do have a readership, so stop saying you don't coz it's rude. Muahaha.. I'm like a teacher now :)
And when you come to KT, perhaps you can help me take some beautiful shots of the terrapins? Kkakaa... :)
why not? I love macro shots! enough of those landscapes and wide-angle ones. macro is where life is! ;)
=) ... not holding the pose anymore meh ??
not that i don't want to share more ... but just look at infectioner's response ...
I later identified this bee to be called "Elvis". So, the bell bottom is not unexpected =)
I hope both you and angel understand it's all tongue in cheek when I refer to people like you as my imaginary readership. 30 visitors a day is certainly not a large readership.
Maybe i shouldn't pay too much attention to what some of you might feel. It's my blog after all ... lemme put in here what I wanna put !
Hardly your cup of tea, I take it.
Well, like it or not, that's the direction I'm heading ...
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