03 January 2011

Cold Storage ...

This might just be the final blog entry here. Might. You just can't tell for sure.

Over the past year, as work picked up a notch (or a few, really), it's been nothing short of a major struggle for me to even post one entry up. It was a good 2010, but boy it was tough as well - the good came after a lot of hard grind. 2011 promises more of the same!

I find time for short postings on Facebook, or Twitter, but blogging is altogether a different proposition.

Thus, with a heavy heart, I'm putting this on cold storage. It's not the last entry, but it won't be very frequent that you'll see me here.

You can still follow bits of my life on flickr, just look up here. Or if you know me, drop me a mail and we can stay in touch with Facebook.